real estate

How Low-Moderate Income Buyers Can Still Get in the Market Today

Okay, so maybe we can't get you a big with a fort and a mote. Ummmm.... and that dragon part might be difficult too but we'll see what we can do.

So it’s no secret that home prices have been on a steep incline nationwide since early Spring. We’ve heard a lot of talk about the disappearing Affordable Housing market and rumors that Millennials aren’t able to buy houses with the student loan debt. While some of this is may be true it’s certainly not the whole story.

15 of our 16 closings to date have been Millennial buyers. Three of them had significant student loan debt at the time of closing. And none of our buyers have been lucky enough to have a rich aunt or uncle or a fairy grandperson pop out of nowhere with a fat check to foot the bill for the down payment toward their mortgage.

So how’d they do it? Down Payment Assistance.

That’s right, there are assistance programs right here in the Atlanta metro area to help you with a down payment on your future home. And you don’t always have to be a first time homebuyer to get one! Though there are income limits and various other guidelines and restrictions which all vary from program to program and the whole process is filled with tons of jargon like "forgiveness periods" or "minimum contributions" and there's these required workshops you have to take

but the point is:

You can purchase a home with little out of pocket in today’s ATL economy. Now ain't that special?

Wanna learn more?

Fill out the 1 on 1 contact sheet to schedule a free individual appointment with a homebuying coach to help analyze your income to see which programs you qualify for, give some early recommendations toward your homebuying journey and help guide you through the process.

But we really can't promise you dragons. We're sorry.